Sunday, 24 February 2019

Week 3 Highlights

Week 3 Highlights

Last week we did some cool science experiments with Trish, which lead onto to inquiry and exploring the concept of 'change'. 

Making Ooblek!

In writing, we have been looking at adding details to our sentences using adjectives and verbs. We looked at a local author Alexander Tylee and her book 'If I was a Banana'

 If I was a cricket ball would be the one soaring through the sky hitting the bank, the grandstand or the back of a fielder's hands.

The one that hits the wickets, or a bat. The one that hits batters pads. If I was a cricket ball that's the one I’d be. (Nicholas)

Maths Like a Pirate- This will happen, every Friday. The students are given an activity where they must create something and then think about where was the Maths thinking in creating and testing it.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Welcome to Room 20 and Back to School!!!

Mrs Burns welcomes everyone to Room 20. I look forward to meeting you all and getting to know you.

Image result for back to school